Apply To Our Internships Now:
South Africa

A Call To Action For A Better World!
Picture The World was created as a philanthropic medium to elicit humanitarianism and evoke logical, solution-based approaches for problems existing around the world. The website picturetheworldNOW is a call to action, to prompt responses to the needs, as well as the possibilities, of the world.
Picture The World believes every person has the right to health, education, and safety. We work to develop mechanisms and provide interventions to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities, while building capacity and offering assistance to organizations serving those in need.
Picture The World utilizes a collaborative model to integratively and holistically address complex issues. Solving these issues requires multifactorial methods and skills to achieve success.
Our internship program provides an extremely unique experiential learning opportunity to participants. All positions entail leadership roles that afford interns with a deeply professional and didactic hands-on experience.
